Wednesday, June 13, 2007

She's becoming a fashion critic

Last night, we had dinner out with some friends to celebrate my birthday. Nothing big, just a visit to Jalapeno Tree! I LOVE the green sauce. I think I'm going to stop ordering off the menu and just start eating my weight in chips and green sauce. (That may eventually cause my arteries to clog and I may not make it to my next birthday!)

Anyway, we got there before our friends. We were waiting to be seated and Mollie looked at what Wade was wearing. He had on jeans and a red striped T-shirt. It was nothing she hadn't seen him in before. She looked at him very seriously and said..."Dad you could have worn something decent." Since when is she the fashion expert? She's the one who refuses to wear anything but flip flops or camo CROCS. It doesn't matter where we are going. The flip flops are either camo or have the Texas A&M symbol on them. We also have finally gotten her to stop wearing mess shorts and T-shirts everywhere we go. Now she's wearing knee length shorts and baby doll tops. I've also heard her make comments recently about what I'm wearing. She's only 10 and we have already become a fashion embarrassment to her.

I'm sorry to say to Mollie Cat that just wait until she's 14 or 15 and Wade drops her off somewhere with his shorts and work boots on and kisses her goodbye. She will be wishing for jeans and a red striped t-shirt!

Sandy C

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