Sunday, September 23, 2007

You can use adjectives as verbs in a pinch

Yesterday we were at the ball field in the sweltering heat. You know you live in Texas when it's 95 degrees on the very last day of summer! Anyway, Mollie had just come off the field and was pouring water all over her head. I was sitting behind the dugout because that was the only shade on the entire field. I ask her what she was doing and this is how the conversation went:

Me: Mollie what are you doing?

Mollie:(as water is dripping from her head to the floor of the dugout) I'm trying to convenient myself.

Me: What?

Mollie: I'm trying to convenient myself.

Me: OK, I understand what you are trying to say, but that's the wrong use of the word convenient.

Mollie: My bad. I'm just trying to comfortabalize myself, Mother.

Me: Gotcha!

So, she was using the word convenient as a verb. I knew what she meant and as you can see, she did too. It's very evident because of the totally made up word she used next-comfortabalize. I don't even think I know how to spell it right.

Pardon me now, as I go convenient myself on the couch.

Sandy C

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